Monday, June 10, 2019

Nunchucks - Is It Really a Solid Weapon?

Nunchucks, also called nunchaku, is a weapon made of two wooden sticks connected using a rope or chain. It is a very common self defense weapon used these days in America. However, it was made popular by Bruce Lee when he used it in his movies. Though Bruce Lee gave a wonderful display of his skills with the weapon, we may not understand the strength of the weapon through his movies. But, to some extent, we do. We can realize the power of the weapon even in his movies when he gives certain brutal strikes to the opponents. But, is it really a solid weapon? Let’s find out from the following evidence:

Excellent For Self Defense

When a weapon is used for self defense against the attackers, it has to be a strong enough weapon. People have adopted it as their primary self defense weapon because it is effective. It can inflict a serious injury when struck at any part of the body. When the attacker approaches a person, the person can pull out his nunchaku and start swinging it. Make sure to attack the attacker’s mouth so that a maximum damage is done. You need to cause a maximum injury when you are using a weapon for your defense, and nunchaku allows you to do that!

Evidence from Bruce Lee Movies

Bruce Lee has appeared in hundreds of movies, not all of those movies featured nunchucks. However, his most popular movies did display this weapon to a great extent. He used the weapon both for his defense and for knocking his opponents down. You could see the injury that the weapon caused and figure out the strength of the weapon. He used to display his skills as well as he performed different tricks. We may never become as skilled as he was because he had an immense level of skill when it comes to using nunchucks. 

Wood is a Genuine, Strong Material

Nunchucks are made of wood and often a rope. There are two sticks and both are wooden. The two sticks are connected via a rope or chain. At most of occasions it’s the rope, but chain is another common material used for connecting the two wooden stick. There are two holes on each stick that allow the sticks to be connected. As they are made of wood, you can expect the weapon to be highly sturdy and durable. Also, wood ensures the immense strength of weapon. Remember the earliest weapons, such as a club were made of wood and they proved to be deadly enough to inflict severe injuries. Being made of a solid material i-e wood, nunchucks is indeed a powerful weapon. 

Steel Nunchucks are More Solid

In the modern days, you can also find steel nunchucks, These are made of steel and are even more solid than the wooden nunchaku. Steel is perhaps the strongest material ever used for constructing weapons. Most of the hardcore weapons are manufactured using steel, such as swords, knives etc. Steel nunchucks prove to be more lethal and powerful. They can inflict a severe injury. So, they are, in fact, more powerful and solid than the wooden nunchucks. 

Considering the materials used for manufacturing nunchucks, it is really a solid weapon. Wood and steel both are durable and strong materials. You can realize the brutality of the weapon, keeping in mind the strength of the materials. The movies of Bruce Lee is a huge evidence that suggest how lethal this weapon is. So, it can be your primary weapon for defense against the attackers as well.

1 comment:

  1. The wooden nunchucks are the ones that are made of two wooden sticks. There are steel chucks as well, the stick of which are made of steel. These are martial arts weapons basically.
